Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun

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01332 700 353

Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) at Shelton Infant School

If you have a child with Special Education Needs or a Disability and you feel you need more support or information about their education or development then Shelton Infants is here to help.  If you are worried your child is falling behind their peers significantly, you are struggling to manage their behaviour, or has a physical or sensory disability, then please come and speak to the staff in school so that we can offer assistance to you and your family.

Who Can Help ?

The SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) at the school is Mrs Brierley, Assistant Headteacher.

 The SENCO Assistant and Learning Mentor in school is Mrs Taylor. 

The Head Teacher Mr Leigh is also able to discuss any SEND issues you may need to discuss if needed.

Our SEND Governor is Mrs Gill Hall (also our Chair of Governors)


We are an inclusive school and believe all children should get the best standard of education and support that can be offered and we will do our best to assist you and get support from other agencies and sources if needed.


If the school or parents have concerns about a child's progress we will consider putting them onto the school's SEND register.  This will be with the mutual agreement of all parties. This level of support has a graduated response and is called School Support.  This can be in the form of universal support in the classroom, targeted one to one support from staff in school or specialist support from an outside agency.   You will be informed and receive an MEP (Multi-agency Education Plan) to explain the support being provided by school and how you can help at home. This plan is usually written by the class teacher.


If a child’s needs exceed this then the option to apply for an Education, Health, Care Plan (EHCP) is discussed. The decision about these does not rest with the school but the Education SEND Team at Derby City Council.  If this is seen as the best course of action then the SEND team at school will offer a lot of support and information about the process and complete the required paperwork on your behalf if you so wish.  A child who is awarded an ECHP should receive extra funding which can be used to support and assist the child further.


Please click here to view our school SEND policy.

Please click here to download our SEND Policy COVID-19 Addendum.


Please click here to view our SEND school information report.


Please click to view our Accessibility Policy and our Accessibility Plan.


The SEND team can be reached through the school office if you require help or advice.

Other advice and support is available via the following links:

Derby City Council's Local Offer for SEND - A link to Derby City Council's Local Offer for SEND.

Derby SEND Information Advice and Support Service A link to the Derby City SENDIASS website.

Derby Umbrella Charity A link to Derby Umbrella, a charity offering free support for children, young people and families with SEND.

Specialist Teaching and Educational Psychology Service (STePS) - A link to the website for Derby City STePS.  Handbooks and leaflets about the role of each team are available to download from this site.