During our ‘Animals in Classrooms’ fortnight, children experienced and learnt lots about many different animals.
Each classroom focused upon different sorts of animals and the children visited each classroom to undertake a host of activities relating to these animals. The animals explored included lions, nocturnal animals, woodland animals, birds, rainforest animals, animals from Australia, dinosaurs and animals which are found in ponds. Prior to this all pupils worked with Tan Draig, a creative artist, to make some exciting and large sculptures to enhance this work including a giant bat, monkeys, a huge pike, seagulls, a larger than life kangaroo, a platypus, dinosaurs, bush babies, a crocodile and a woodland role play area.
Children also enjoyed visits from ‘Meet the Beasts’, ‘Animal Roadshow’ and ‘The Animal Man’ where they were able to get up close and personal with different animals including a tarantula, giant rabbit, snakes and lizards, raccoons and a skunk!
All children created animal themed dances ranging from ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ to ‘The Carnival of Animals’ as they worked with Jenny Hinton, our specialist dance teacher.
Children completed a range of cross-curricular work during the fortnight as they leant about the different animals. Children also made animal masks at home and brought these into school where they were rewarded with special personalised certificates.
At the end of the fortnight all children and staff enjoyed dressing up as an animal and a special assembly was held to look at all the super costumes. Each class had also learnt an animal song which they performed to the whole school.