'Shelton Rocks’ was a music based 7 days in school, throughout which the children explored a wide range of musical genres with an emphasis upon composition and experiencing different types of musical instruments.
The school was alive with music all week!
All children worked with Rachel Ortiz from PopUK to learn a range of catchy and upbeat pop songs which culminated in the children performing these songs in pop concerts watched by their families. A professional sound studio also visited school to record the children’s singing onto a CD which was then sold to families. The children found both the concerts and the recording very exciting!
‘Hot House Music’ spent four days in school – 6 musicians worked with the children to ensure that each child had a go at playing a trumpet, a trombone, a guitar, a ukulele, a clarinet and a flute. The children really enjoyed practising and perfecting their ‘raspberry blowing’ so they could generate sounds from the different wind instruments.
The emphasis was upon active and noisy participation from all children as they learnt about rhythms and beats in noisy workshops with Junk Drummers!
Everyone enjoyed participating in performances by Key Strings with an emphasis upon how musical instruments have developed over time. The children learnt lots about the different sounds generated by a range of string instruments.
All children had their own African drum as they learnt African drumming in some VERY noisy workshops with Paul Butler from Drummers United!
Additionally, children took part in a wide range of musical activities in their classrooms, including composing using colours and symbols and painting to different types of music. Children worked with Miss. Williamson, our Music Subject Leader, to compose music.
Children also made some fantastic musical instruments at home and were rewarded with a personalised ‘Shelton Rocks’ certificate.
The week culminated with everyone, including the staff, dressing as pop and rock stars. ‘Hot House Music’ led a very special assembly whilst everyone was dressed up!
The children told us that they had enjoyed a great week, whilst also learning lots about music!!